Monday, December 22, 2008

Wishing You an HRC-Approved, Politically Correct Holiday!

Whoah, how *dare* I step out of line and call people out on their political correct nonsense or *dare* make a joke about a writer of a newspaper up at Whistler that many amongst the Radical Left Drug Induced Kumbaya Set treat as their Bible. (Note: Thankfully said writer saw the humour in what I posted!) But some of the hate mail I've received today simply isn't fit to print.

So in honour of these PC ninnies who clearly had the last remnants of their senses of humour removed duirng their last colonic treatment, let me repost this video which I prepared earlier this year because of this:

And may I also offer them all the Joy-free Non-demominational Holiday Wishes that they appear to be seeking.

Note: No Holiday Joy Trees were harmed in the creation of this posting!

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