Saturday, September 06, 2008

The "Slut" Factor: Radical Leftists Destroying the Obama Campaign

Barry Warsch is a lifelong Democrat and former Florida Democrat executive committee member. He's also going to be voting for John McCain this time. Here he gives one reason why. Throughout his blog he provides many other reasons.

This poll is an example of why many other Floridians may likely be voting for McCain-Palin too.


johnschochet said...

Mr. Warsch should link to some actual examples of the use of the term "slut." That's a nasty allegation for him to throw out without providing any evidence.

Robert W. said...

Just did a quick search on Google. It wasn't tough to find out what Warsch was talking about. Here are some examples:

Just examples. I'm not saying all Democrats. But I find it endlessly amusing how these outspoken folks are so deeply destroying their cause.

nachtwache said...

What disgusting people! I hope they're hurting themselves!