Saturday, September 13, 2008


A news story is quickly evolving this weekend. People are reviewing the transcript of Charlie Gibson's interview of Sarah Palin on Thursday and have discovered some very peculiar editing. You can review what Palin actually said vs. what was broadcast here.

Here's one of many examples of cutting & splicing to significantly alter what actually transpired:

What Was Broadcast:

GIBSON: And under the NATO treaty, wouldn’t we then have to go to war if Russia went into Georgia?

PALIN: Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.

What Was Actually Said:

GIBSON: And under the NATO treaty, wouldn’t we then have to go to war if Russia went into Georgia?

PALIN: Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.

But NATO, I think, should include Ukraine, definitely, at this point and I think that we need to — especially with new leadership coming in on January 20, being sworn on, on either ticket, we have got to make sure that we strengthen our allies, our ties with each one of those NATO members.

We have got to make sure that that is the group that can be counted upon to defend one another in a very dangerous world today.

GIBSON: And you think it would be worth it to the United States, Georgia is worth it to the United States to go to war if Russia were to invade.

PALIN: What I think is that smaller democratic countries that are invaded by a larger power is something for us to be vigilant against. We have got to be cognizant of what the consequences are if a larger power is able to take over smaller democratic countries.

And we have got to be vigilant. We have got to show the support, in this case, for Georgia. The support that we can show is economic sanctions perhaps against Russia, if this is what it leads to.

It doesn’t have to lead to war and it doesn’t have to lead, as I said, to a Cold War, but economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure, again, counting on our allies to help us do that in this mission of keeping our eye on Russia and Putin and some of his desire to control and to control much more than smaller democratic countries.

His mission, if it is to control energy supplies, also, coming from and through Russia, that’s a dangerous position for our world to be in, if we were to allow that to happen.

Put's Sarah Palin in quite a different light about her foreign policy views, doesn't it? She had QUITE a bit to say on this issue but clearly it didn't fit in with the "narrative" and caricature that ABC News is try to slot her into.

It must be asked, who made the decision to make these massive editing cuts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just another example of how you simply CAN NOT TRUST ABCNBCCBSPBSNPRNYTWASHPOSTLAT Media.