Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An Automobile Metaphor

Isn't it strange how when we're young we take our health pretty much for granted but when people are old they view a lack of perfect health pretty much as a certainty?

Perhaps our bodies are like the automobiles we drive. When you buy a brand new car and drive it away from the dealer you treat it very gingerly but naturally assume that nothing will go wrong. As time passes, you're less concerned about it but still don't ever think anything will go wrong. As years pass though, you have to give it more care & attention, get it tuned up more frequently, get the odd rust spot patched up, and so on. Then, after many years have passed and it starts breaking down suddenly, at the most inconvenient of times, you no longer rely upon it and eventually decide to get a new car.

How many people would like to be able to do that with their bodies?!

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