Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bundt Cake Follies

Anyone who's seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding can never forget the hilarious scene surrounding the infamous "Bundt Cake". Well, my good friend, Ravena, worked long & hard to prepare a birthday cake for her sister-in-law but alas it was not meant to be. Something went wrong and it ... well ... got a tad deformed. Apparently still tasted great but she was upset with the end result. So a replacement was quickly obtained from Goldilocks.

This sort of reminds me of the time I prepared my "world famous" curried shrimp for some friends in Sudbury, Ontario. To thicken it I usually use cornstarch. They didn't have any so I substituted Cream of Tartar. Little did I know that the moment that touches milk, it goes sour! All that work and all for naught!

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