Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Driving Quiz

You are driving along a narrow two lane road with a NO PASSING sign posted and come upon a bicycle rider. Do you:

  1. Follow this slow-moving bicycle rider for the next 2 miles, or
  2. Break the law and pass?
Most yuppies in their fancy cars and soccer moms in mini-vans, who always seem to drive like their lives are more important than everyone else's, would naturally break the law and pass.

But the law-abiding, non-yuppie men of this world would, of course, make the correct choice, slow down and carefully follow the bicycle rider. We would do this because we are selfless, responsible, and extremely law-abiding citizens. Simply put, it's just naturally the right thing to do.


Walter Schultz said...


I believe it's my duty to follow the rules of the law, however I think I would be arrested for voyeurism instead.

A cute post. I wasn't sure where this was going until I scrolled down to the photo of the girl on a bike.....she was riding a bike wasn't she?

Walter Schultz said...

and I liked the bundt cake too.