Thursday, May 10, 2007

Canadian Media Bias: Finally a way to fight back!

In today's modern world, it seems that everyone in every profession is just one step or one quote away from being hung out to dry by the court of political correctness. From my vantage point in Vancouver, BC, Canada, just in the past week this would include:

  • The 3 members of the commission that examined wage increases for the BC politicians
  • The RCMP, for apparent contradictions in the Air India inquiry
  • The head of the 2010 Olympics, John Furlong
  • A Vancouver bus driver, who was pushed too far by a con man / thug
  • The head of the Coast Mountain Bus Company, Denis Clements
  • Every politician at every level
Yes indeed, everyone is held accountable for everything they say except for . . . journalists. They can say anything they want, no matter how factually incorrect, no matter how biased (I'm not talking about editorialists), and yet absolutely nothing happens to them.

Have you ever read something that is supposed to be N-E-W-S and yet clearly is an editorial, either by what's said or what's deliberately left out? Well, now you can seek a little revenge.

The Western Standard Magazine is hosting a contest for the most biased new reports in Canada. You can submit your nomination here, as well as vote on others that have already been submitted by others.

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