Seattle Visit: Day 3
I adore Rufus but last night I naively let him into my bedroom. He quietly lay down beside my bed. I tried to fall asleep but about 10 minutes later I sniffed a few times and smelled something absolutely terrible! Big Dog had been silently tooting and was filling up the room with an unbearable smell.
So I grabbed my duvet and stumbled downstairs where I plunked myself onto Mike's couch. Immediately one of his cats, Mavic, pounced on me. As you can see here, she was still "adjusting" her pillow (ie. me) when the morning arrived.Here's Mavic and Raleigh nestled up together in an adorable pose.
On our way over to see the Blue Angels again, Mike stopped at this delightful bagel and sandwich shop in downtown Renton, where he bought Danny & I some food for later.
This being a Saturday and the official first day of the air show, there were many more people around to watch the big event.
We strolled down onto the I-90 again, although this time onto the North span.
You can see how crowded it was on both sides of Lake Washington.
Before the main show, the Blue Angels' transport plane showed off what it could do.
Some came prepared to overcome the loud noise.
The Blue Angels put on another spectacular show!
Mike let Danny take control of his camera and capture many great shots he did!
Indeed, it was very hot.
The show attracted all kinds of folks!
The boyz enjoyed the show as much as I did!
We saw this fellow in the nearby park, selling Obama shirts. We thought to report him to Democrat headquarters for participating in what was clearly a pro-military event. Mike asked if he had any McCain shirts but he said they were all in the garbage.
After the airshow we went down to our #1 favourite store in the world, Fry's Electronics.
For dinner we tried a Mexican place in West Seattle called Puerto Vallarta. All of our meals were superb, though the portions were enormous!
Then we went over to Genessee Park to attend the official Seafair event. It wasn't really what I was expecting and I was more than a little disappointed.
Danny had fun steering a robot and climbing a wall though.
We didn't even stick around for the fireworks and instead went to go see a movie.
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