Wednesday, May 07, 2008

New York Waiting

I just saw New York Waiting and highly recommend it. It's a Boy Meets Girl film with a major twist. A year before the [gorgeous] girlfriend of a young fellow left him and moved across the country to explore things with someone else. Not able to get over her, he mailed her an airline ticket, asking her to meet him at 8pm on a specific day at the top of the Empire State Building in New York City. No phone call. No e-mail. No confirmation. Just hope.

He arrived in New York a few days before this eventful day, fueled on the belief that she would “see the light” (ie. what a great guy he was). The next morning, with still a day to go before the big reunion, he decided to have coffee outside at one of the many little cafés that dot the city.

Stopping by the café at the same time was a pretty young woman, who had also flown in the night before, though to meet her long distance boyfriend. She did indeed spend the evening with him but assorted events that night showed her clearly that he was a player and not really interested in her. So she walked out on him. Not sure what to do, she had just gone from coffee shop to coffee shop. Meeting Mr. Reunion Guy, the two of them struck up a conversation and decided to go for a walk together, as visitors often do when traveling alone.

Much of the rest of the movie is about the two of them getting to know each other, flashbacks of his life before with Miss Perfect, and him helping this new young lady heal herself and move forward in life with a “brand new slate”.

I won’t say any more, lest it spoil the story. But rest assured that I LOVED this movie. The scenarios and conversations were so true to life. In fact, it touched pretty close to my own heart, describing with acute clarity how each of us can sometimes waste our lives hoping that someone we care deeply about will care as much about us as we do about them. Of course, they rarely do. But all the time, there is likely someone just as special waiting to meet us, if we’d ever let ourselves open up our hearts to them.

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