Saturday, July 21, 2007

Foot in the Mouth Disease

My mom and I were giving Danny a driving tour of Vancouver. We stopped at a Tim Horton's, where I ran in to get a couple of beverages. I knew they had 4 sizes but had forgotten the size of each.

So I walked up to the female cashier and when she asked what I wanted, I [completely innocently] responded, "Yes, what cup sizes do you have?"

I don't know if she sensed the unintentional double-entendre but I blushed profusely!


Hillary said...

Hee hee hee hee!!

I think the plural might have saved you there, friend. Unlesss of course you were implying some sort of... uneven-ness. ;)

nachtwache said...

She'd be used to that question and not think anything of it. I don't know about the younger generation, but women generally don't say cup size.I think men use that term more. Of course, a lot of things go over my head :)