Thursday, October 06, 2005

Today's Parting Shot

The following from me was just read on CKNW:

What a day! It started off with Jinny "Goodenow" Sims comparing herself to Rosa Parks, the black American woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus 50 years ago. Gotta give Jinny credit though. She certainly knows how to rile up her troops. Her rhetoric today was so thick that I thought about using it as a spread on my toast ... except that it would have left a foul taste in my mouth.

Then the fun & games continued during your TalkBack segment, when the phone lines were so obviously stacked by a callout to the socialist hordes. Was I the only one who heard the same BCTF talking points espoused over & over?

Let's be clear. The coming illegal strike is simply a rematch of the last provincial election. Jinny Sims lost face when her union inadvertently handed the election to the Liberals. This is her attempt at revenge. Whether she has 51% support of her membership or 99% is irrelevant. She has promised teachers she will get them everything they want and so many of them blindly support her. And with the other public sector unions ready to join in solidarity with the BCTF, she's confident that she'll have the last laugh with that evil Gordo, the cause of all her problems.

That's what I love about socialists like her & Jim Sinclair. In the beginning it's, "All for One and One for All". But then when they don't get their way they decide which laws to follow and which ones to ignore. Tomorrow and in the coming days, I hope the teachers reflect upon the examples they're setting for their students. If this same moral relativism is being taught to our youth then God help us in the future!

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