Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Superb, Practical Advice for Anyone in the Software Biz

A techie friend of mine, knowing some of the dilemmas I'm currently going through with the development of my software product, directed me to this podcast. It was absolutely excellent! The speaker, Jason Fried, runs a Chicago-based software company called 37 signals. He provided a list of best practices that often flew in the face of conventional thought and common practice. But I must say that I agree with his views on almost every front. For in years past my own company tried to do things the traditional right way, but what we ended up building was a ridiculous bureaucracy (of less than 10 people) that just became meeting after meeting after meeting, with so little productive work getting done. Even the smallest changes seemed to take 3 or 4 people to handle.

If you're at all involved in a software company - in any department - then I'd highly recommend you listen to this for it is sure to give you food for thought. Fried speaks the truth of what is, staying clear of the rhetorical (and useless) what should be.

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