Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Nice Day of Reflection

There are two days of the year I especially take the time to reflect on life: Past, current, and future. This is one of them. And what a great day it was! I actually woke up a little late because I was working well past midnight, trying to solve a tricky bug in the software I'm building. Around 1:30am I finally solved it! I was all mentally wound up so I watched the rest of Kingdom of Heaven.
I did some more work in the morning and then went out for lunch with my Dad. His back was bothering him so we didn't go very far, but did make it to a nearby "White Spot" restaurant. I then walked his little dog Heidi. After that I finally used a gift certificate my mom had given me a while back because she got sick of seeing me always soaked whenever it rained.. I bought my first Gore-Tex jacket, a nice light-blue one. Then I went for a stroll along the south shore of False Creek, where I was able to take all the photos you see here. It's no longer oppressively hot in Vancouver but the sun was shining brilliantly, which made it just a tremdous day to be alive. This evening I'm going out for dinner with my mom and then stopping over to visit my friends, D&R. I wish every day was this pleasant!

1 comment:

dgnyhk said...

What, no cake? Sounds like a perfect day otherwise...