Saturday, August 20, 2005

Google Video - The Next Evolution of the Internet?

I just discovered a new service from Google:

You're presented with 20 random video clips from around the world. You do have to install a Google Viewer but it's just as simple as installing the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer. Here are some of the most interesting ones I've seen so far:

- The entire film (yes 90+ minutes) of the Cary Grant film, "His Girl Friday.
- A Japanese beer commercial featuring a completely nude woman
- Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love", with scenes from CSI
- Le Tour de France bicycle race
- A video personal ad from a Venezuelan woman named Yohana
- A music video from the Latin singer, Thalia
- Highlights from a football match between Hungary & Armenia
- Chuck Norris fighting Conan O'Brien
- A music video from "Bond" called "Explosive"

Let me know if you find any interesting/quirky/funny videos!

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