Saturday, April 18, 2009

An Upcoming Split Between Israel & America?

I enjoy reading news sources from around the world, including this one from Israel.

Here's a snippet:

Obama's Washington believes America can live with a nuclear-armed Iran – a decision probably taken first under the Bush presidency. But Israel cannot, and may have no option but to part ways with the Obama administration on this point. As a nuclear power, Iran will be able to bend Jerusalem to the will of its enemies, make it unconditionally give Syria the Golan plus extra pieces of territory, tamely accept a Hamas-dominated Palestinian West Bank louring over its heartland and let the Lebanese Hizballah terrorize Galilee in the north at will. All three would make hay under Iran's nuclear shield, while Tehran lords it over the region in the role of regional power conferred by Obama's grace and favor.


David in North Burnaby BC said...

Its almost as if the President of the United States himself grew up going to a madrassa in Indonesia or somewhere like ... Hmmm, wait a minute...

Robert W. said...

Your words David, not mine! :-)

nachtwache said...
