Saturday, December 26, 2009

How the Left Pollutes Clear Thinking in Academia

Shauna Wilton is a leftist academic (are those terms redundant or an oxymoron?) in Camrose, Alberta, where she teaches political science.  She also appears to have way too much free time on her hands, for she spent a great amount of time & energy analyzing the children's series, Thomas the Tank Engine.

To get some insight into the mind of someone who is charged with teaching Canada's young adults, do read this story or this one.  Here's some analysis of the same.

More than a few things jumped out at me when I read these stories but this quote from Wilton was a gem: "It also represents a conservative political ideology that punishes individual initiative...."   Only in the wildest pipe dream of a leftist academic would one conceive that conservatism punishes individual initiative!!!  But if we were to accept her words verbatim then if a young person were seeking their individual initiatives to be recognized, they should go work in a public sector union job in the government?  Do some people actually read such blather and not question it?!?


Anonymous said...

The head shot? Says it all. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes! I knew I'd run into her before!!