Saturday, December 02, 2006

BCDD in Chicago

A few weeks ago I published this item in the Chicago area of Craigslist. I did it on a whim, though I was sincerely interested to see if there was any interest. Well, much like what happened last year in the weeks leading up to Christmas, the response was tremendous. So this evening I published a follow-up item.

We'll see how things go, but I'm optimistic. Ultimately I'm not looking to franchise Digital Divide, at least not at this time. But to the group of people I'll be meeting with, I can bring a wealth of experience and suggestions, plus we're more than willing to donate our website. But ultimately they have to "run with it".

Interesting comparison: The population of Vancouver's metropolitan area, more commonly known as "The Lower Mainland" is about 2.2 Million. This is where 90% of our computers are donated to. The population of Chicago's metropolitan area, more commonly known as "Chicagoland" is about 9.5 Million! And from what I've seen, the economic disparity between rich & poor is much more significant there. So they'll have no shortage of recipients for some time to come. But IMHO Chicago is also much more community oriented than Vancouver so if we can get the word out then I'm convinced the donations will start flowing in beyond their wildest dreams.

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