Sunday, December 09, 2007

Morality Without God?

Something's been annoying me recently. I've heard more than a few people, including several I generally admire, state unequivocally that it's impossible to be a moral person if one doesn't believe in God.

I deeply disagree with this. And in saying so, this isn't merely my "opinion". I'm actually stating a fact. At this point in my life, I don't believe in a "God" in the traditional sense of the word. In fact, I'm open-minded enough to say that maybe there is a God, maybe there isn't; none of us really know for sure. Anyone who is absolutely convinced of either extreme (ie. fundamentalist, atheist) constitutes the biggest fool of all.

Anyhow, while I'm far from perfect (and am reminded of this most every day!), I've long said that I'll compare my morality against anyone else's and I'll come out quite favourably, thank you very much.

It saddens me that most every political election, in seemingly every part of the world, devolves down to phoney "debates" that barely scratch the surface of the real problems we face. Now in the U.S. what appears to be happening is a ridiculous discussion about who is more religious and who worships the "correct" God. Aren't we supposed to be living in the enlightened New Millennium?


Anonymous said...

Dear friend,
I think GOd is myself. He can help me if I want, every where any time.
but we need to find him in oursevles.

nachtwache said...

Your absolutely right, my favourite relatives don't have any religious faith, but are some of the most decent and honorable people I know. A believe is a very personal thing; I think Christianity is right, obviously, or else I wouldn't be a Christian. Politics is not a place I'd look to for anything, it's a dirty business and anything gets used if it brings an advantage. Few stay honest in that business.