Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Great Day in Vancouver!

I was working late last night but woke up at 7am in order to get over to the home of BCDD's lead tech, Bruce, in order to distribute computers. Normally we only do the distribution on the last weekend of each month but we're backlogged with a number of requests right now and wanted to double our efforts this month, especially to families with kids. Six sets of people picked up their computer before noon and between 10 - 4, two friends of mine, Amy and Nadia, helped me to deliver 6 computers. All recipients were extremely grateful, which always energizes us to keep on doing what we do.

After the last delivery, I asked Nadia to drop me off downtown so that I could get a longtime friend & colleague, John, to sign my passport application papers. It's funny because I often act as a "guarantor" for countless friends but can't sign my own papers! I walked home from there, stopping at the home of a Mexican family who had recently received a computer from us. Really nice people!

I walked across the art-deco Burrard Street Bridge and took these photos:

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