Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Different Standard for Women?

This morning, Bill Good was discussing yesterday's "Bitch" episode. The very first caller went on a long rant, not only demanding that Norman Spector be kicked off his show but that Bill Good now apologize as well. What rocks do these people crawl out from? Here's a letter that I just sent to Good:

Though I may not agree with Norman's use of the "B" word, the number of people who are explicitly and implicitly try to permanently censor him is really scary to me. Now we see your first caller taking it to the next level and demanding that you apologize for the comments of your guest. This is a perfect example of Political Correctness on the march. It's frightening that some people are so quick to throw Free Speech into the dustbin when someone says something that they disagree with.

But specific to your question about whether there's a different standard for women, I will unequivocally answer in the affirmative: Yes, there is a different standard for women. It's lower. Ditto for minorities.

In today's politically correct culture, can a female minority politician be called incompetent even if she is so or the speaker believes this to be the case? The answer is clearly "No". Case in point: Michael Geoghegan, a younger version of Norman Spector, got kicked off the Victoria airwaves when he criticized NDP MLA, Jenny Kwan.

Isn't it about time in the year 2006 that everyone stopped being an overly sensitive proverbial victim?

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