Friday, August 03, 2007

The Bridge Disaster: Personal Thoughts

I don't have a TV (by choice) so I decided to go to YouTube to see some video of the bridge collapse. I have dual interests, first as a human being at the enormous tragedy of this event, but also has a professional engineer.

The videos were very interesting and the stories of the rescues heartfelt and touching. But what was shocking to me was how so many people, via their comments, were immediately using this tragedy to directly attack George Bush. I then found more of the same here.

Just like with 9/11, it's a heaven-sent miracle that so many on the ultra-left become instant structural engineering experts. With absolutely no facts at hand, they automatically discern that the bridge collapsed because soldiers are over in Iraq fighting terrorists. Amazing!

If I were to ask them what safety factors are commonly deployed on the design and implementation of U.S. Interstate Bridges, all that we would hear would be grasshoppers chirping.

News Flash: Even the top structural engineers in the world ... especially the top structural engineers ... will be passing no judgements until mountains of evidence is collected, shearing patterns in the steel closely observed, possibly with microscopes in a lab, and a whole lot of other tests performed.

Is it too much to ask that the sick, depraved, heartless, anonymous cowards who post such hate when they could just as easily shut their pie-holes, remove their fingers from their keyboards, and just allow a city and a nation to grieve?!?

1 comment:

dgny said...

From the news I've read, it sounds to me like not a thing is pointed as Gdub and everything at local non-acting officials. I'm not sure they'll need much of a post-mortem on the bridge, since they already know it was unsafe.