Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Hypocrisy of the Far Left

The other day I heard a fascinating discussion on a Canadian radio programme. The host introduced the segment by saying: "How come a certain class of folk - actors & others - are fully behind committing American, British, and Canadian military power to Darfur, but are not crazy about commiting it to Afghanistan and are vehemently opposed to committing it to Iraq?"

His guest, David Frum, responded brilliantly, in a subtle sarcastic tone: "It's obviously completely different. In Darfur you have violent, murderous jihadists murdering innocent people. Whereas in Iraq you have violent, murderous jihadists murdering innocent people."

I would truly love for someone to explain to me what is the difference between Darfur and Iraq?

1 comment:

flythemig29 said...

In Darfur you have Islamofascists murdering Christians and Animist civilians but in Iraq you have Islamofascists murdering secular Muslims, civil servants, and American Soldiers.

Why, Darfur is a war that Cheryl Crow and Bill Clinton could love. It has persecuted minorities being hunted down and killed in the most vicious fashion by religious zealots and those who hide behind the zealotry to settle old tribal grudes.

Wait, that's Iraq.'s Afghasnistan....wait....I know, it's Bosnia.