Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Caledonia Explodes into Violence

Violence erupted in rural Caledonia, Ontario yesterday. You can read more about this here.

This recent flare-up should be a vivid wake-up call to all Canadians that our nice, safe society is something none of us should take for granted.

In fact, the society we live in is but a thin veneer over top of a lawless anarchy like Haiti and Afghanistan. We live like we do because from the early days of our nation, a well understood set of laws were set in place and most everyone adhered to them. Those who chose not to were arrested and removed from our society. This is a simple social contract that everyone understands.

When a group of people are allowed to disobey the laws of the land then anarchy amongst everyone else is soon to result. It's shocking that our current set of weak-kneed politicians don't have enough of a backbone to understand this reality with crystal clarity.

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