Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Should "Big Labour" Call Off Their Planned Walkout in Vancouver this Friday?

Absolutely Not!

I sincerely want the labour organizations to stop the buses and SkyTrain and shut down all the public office buildings, community centres, and daycares. But they shouldn't stop there. Jim Sinclair and his henchmen should show us all who's REALLY in charge.

They should shut off the electricity and water, block all the major intersections and bridges, and picket all the hospitals and fire & police stations.

Only then will us elitist snobs in Greater Vancouver learn who really makes this province run. And if we don't like it then we can always vote them out in the next election. Oh wait, we never voted for them in the first place! Ahhh, a minor point. Shut everything down, Jim, and show us who's really the boss!

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