Car Accident in Rainy Vancouver
The rain started in Vancouver this afternoon. So the drivers naturally slowed down to account for the poor road conditions. Ummm, actually that last part is a lie. This is Vancouver where 75% of the drivers are mindless idiots
and so typically most of them actually speed up! I wish I were kidding. I was walking back from downtown and saw the young female driver of the Mini plough right into the back of the Taxi van, who had stopped to let pedestrians
cross. I guess this woman probably thought, "I can go as fast as I want because what kind of moron would possibly stop for a pedestrian at a crosswalk?! I certainly wouldn't!" Thank goodness no one was hurt. I took these photos and gave the driver of the taxi my business card, in case there's any dispute about what really happened. To my great surprise, he called later to thank me.
It's always nice in these situations when an observer will step up and be willing to be a witness. I'm sure it was huge weight off for the driver.
I was in an accident a bit ago and the witness actually call the police before I even got to the station to report it (just the way it works here) it was such a relief!
Wow, I haven't looked at this in years. In this particular case I got a call from the lawyer of the Mini-Cooper driver about 3 years after the even. He was trying to get me to say that it was the taxi-driver's fault. Considering that the taxi was fully stopped when his client's car plowed into the taxi, that's kind of hard to believe.
The #1 reason for overly high car insurance rates is clearly bad drivers. But the #2 reason has to be unethical lawyers like this one.
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