Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Righteous Fury Turned Into Positive Action"

I watched an interesting interview of Laura Ingraham by a favourite author of mine, Michelle Malkin. Ms. Ingraham has just written a book called "Power To The People" that focuses on how citizens in free countries can change the tide of a nation's direction if they shrug off their apathetic woes and speak out en masse. One beautiful phrase she had in the second part of the interview was: "The entire elite structure was totally knocked off its heels ... by the fury of this nation. That's righteous fury that was turned into positive action."

Listening to what she has to say, you might be quick to dismiss Ingraham as a prude. But she's actually one of the hippest, funniest, and most intelligent people on the radio today. Give her a listen and judge for yourself.

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