Sunday, September 02, 2007

E-mail Sent to ICBC

Why do you not have a mechanism on your website to report bad driving, particularly of drivers with "N" and "L" stickers? This could be similar to the hotline available to report HOV abusers.

Today I saw a young Caucasian man with short black hair driving the following vehicle with insane speed: "120 EVA". His car was a Black Honda Civic. He had an "N" sticker, drove north on #1 Road in Richmond, turned west on Francis and then whipped into the TD Canada Trust there.

He was driving at least 60mph on #1 Road, 35mph on every turn, and racing every single person he found at a stoplight.

He will hurt someone one day. I thought you should know.

1 comment:

Walter Schultz said...

What a good idea.