Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Building a Foundation

"Crazy Days" or "Crazy Daze" - That pretty much describes my life right now. But it's all good! I had a blessedly deep sleep until noon today and didn't feel guilty at all ... well maybe a little. :-) I'm now focused on bringing order & organization to the overwhelming response to last week's Xmas Digital Divide campaign.

What's absolutely wonderful is that dozens upon dozens of people from all walks of life are stepping up to the plate to volunteer some time in 2006. And when I need something that I don't yet have a suitable person or company to help with, then I go out & ask. I've always been embarrassed to ask others for help that I personally need, but am absolutely shameless when it comes to the Digital Divide Foundation I'm now on a mission to build. It only takes a few seconds explanation for people to realize it is an amazingly good cause. For not only does it help out Greater Vancouver's less fortunate children - both in the short and hopefully the longer term - but it also gives people an easy, environmentally friendly way to dispose of their older computer equipment.

Everyone who has helped out so far feels great about doing so. But we're still looking for more people & companies to lend a helping hand. Right now I'm just taking contact info, with absolutely no commitment required at this time.

Here's a preliminary list of where we could use help:


  • Admin staff - with great organizational & people skills and highly proficient at e-mail
  • Project Managers - For the acquisition, refurbishing, and distribution process and for special events we plan to hold
  • Writers - For a business plan (to get funding), for the various aspects of the forthcoming website, for PSAs, and for some hardcopy brochures
  • Board of Advisors - Individuals with an accomplished professional record to lend a hand in setting up and subsequently steering the foundation
  • General staff - to help with performing final checks on refurbished computers and helping with general installation of software
  • A bookkeeper or accountant (minimal work right now but someone with such skills is required)

  • Hardware techies - for refurbishing computers
  • Windows experts - for troubleshooting driver issues, etc.
  • Macintosh experts
  • Graphic artists - for both web & print layout work
  • Web developers - preferably with C# and ASP.net skills
  • A Database Administrator - probably SQL Server

The following is a list of things that we're going to need help with. If you think your company could help out (in any capacity) then we're interested:
  • Temporary or permanent office and/or workspace - doesn't have to be large but must have good vehicle access, worktables, AC Power outlets, and Internet access
  • Transportation - Courier & trucking companies and passenger transportation too
  • Car rental companies
  • Bookstores - with computer books
  • Educational facilities
  • Software vendors
  • Any company that could offer tours of interesting facilities with some hi-tech aspect
As I've mentioned previously, my goal is to create a highly effective, well run organization that will do a lot of good work for the less fortunate children in our community. I understand that everyone has a "real job", just like I do. For that reason, we would never expect more from anyone than they'd be prepared to deliver. On average, I expect that our refurbishing days will be one Saturday per month, with each volunteer asked to just work 4 hours (or more if they want).

Besides the obvious good work you'll be performing, there will be great benefits for every volunteer:
  • Excellent networking opportunities you might not otherwise have
  • Tours to state-of-the-art facilities around the Lower Mainland
  • Mentoring opportunities to help out on a one-to-one basis
If you're at all interested then please write an e-mail to YVRDigitalDivide@gmail.com and write a little bit about yourself and where you think you could best help.

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